Operation Others


Turkeys, Max Vossen & Colin Eich

Mount Michael senior Colin Eich is interviewed by KVSS Catholic Radio about Operation Others.

Listen to the interview

This year was a banner year in Mount Michael’s response in helping to provide food for those in need in the Omaha area through Operation Others.

From a dress down day to muffins from Campus Minsitry to donut sales from the bookstore to outright donations, MM provide near $2,000 in cash for Operation Others. This does not include all the canned goods nor the turkeys, which likely would be another 1000 or more

The Core group from Mount Michael included: Colin Eich, Max Vossen. Chris Angel and Peter Gates. Max Vossen and Colin Eick picked up the turkeys from Mount Michael, which all came from a Hutterite Community in Tabor, SD. These turkeys were home-raised and cleaned by hand.

Congratulations, indeed, to Mount Michael’s Operation Others group!