Knights Attend PEW Workshop


Ten sophomores participated in the Anti-Defamation League’s Promoting Empowerment in our World workshop on Wednesday, October 24th. Sophomores from Omaha area high schools worked together to address issues of bias and discrimination in their schools and the greater Omaha community. The Mount Michael students that participated were Christian Fletcher, Kyle Pelan, Cameron Detwiler, Sam Gustafson, Eli Crnkovich, Airan Lopez, Huy Le, Peter McAndrews, Dane Storch, and Jack Sorenson.

About the Workshop:
2018 PEW {Promoting Empowerment in our World)
The Anti-Defamation League (ADL) is a non-profit organization dedicated to defending democratic ideals, safeguarding civil rights and combating prejudice, discrimination and bigotry of all kinds. One of the nation’s oldest and most respected human relations organizations, ADL is a leader in the development of materials, programs and services that build bridges of communication, understanding and respect among diverse racial, religious and ethnic groups worldwide. The ADL’s Promoting Empowerment in our World (PEW) equips metropolitan area high school sophomores with an understanding of how to resolve conflicts, solve problems, share life experiences, develop empathy, think critically and work in diverse teams. The workshop encourages students to value the importance of promoting democratic principles of equality, fairness and being an “agent of change” in their school, in their home, and in their community.