About our School
At Mount Michael the core of the academic program enables students to become inquiring learners, appreciative of their heritage, responsive and committed to the challenges of the future.
Mount Michael Benedictine School admits students of any race, color, national and ethnic origins to all the rights, privileges, programs and activities generally accorded or made available to the students.
Ultimately, it is our goal to enable every student to reach his educational and career potential.
The Mount Michael Benedictine School Counseling program is a comprehensive counseling program dedicated to nurturing our students, families, and community.
Benedictine values encompass a broad range of concepts that are central to life within a Christian community. It is quite possible to literally perceive dozens of values that can be deemed as Benedictine in nature. This a testimony to the breadth of “The Rule” and communal life established by Saint Benedict.
There are many opportunities for students to get involved at Mount Michael. Some are competitive, some are participatory. In either case it is all part of getting a well rounded educational experience.
There are many opportunities for students at Mount Michael to participate in our top of the line athletic programs. Go Knights!
Under this tab you will find links to Mount Michael giving opportunities as well as information about fundraising events.
The Benedictine order, founded by Saint Benedict of Nursia, is the first and oldest religious order of the Catholic Church, and is the founding tradition of Mount Michael Benedictine School.

The life, legend, and miracles of Saint Benedict were passed down through Saint Gregory the Great’s second book of “Dialogues.” Today, they guide the spiritual, intellectual, and social aspects of Mount Michael Benedictine School.
Saint Benedict was of noble birth, but around twenty he sought and pursued a life of prayer. He became known for his miracles and holiness which attracted others seeking holiness. In time, he gave up his life of solitude to lead the community of followers that formed at Monte Cassino.
While many of the details of Saint Benedict’s life are unknown, the rule of life he fashioned stands as one of the great documents of Christian living. The “Rule of Saint Benedict” is a practical synthesis of the teachings and traditions of early Christian monks. “The Rule” has successfully stood the test of time because of its emphasis on flexibility and adaptability. Throughout history, “The Rule” has stood as a foundation of practical wisdom rather than a book of rules to be followed literally.
Benedictine education and scholarship are rooted in tradition. During the Middle Ages, through their libraries and scriptoriums the Benedictines preserved western civilization and served as the only centers of learning and scholarship. It is through this tradition that the running of schools became the focus of many Benedictine Monasteries. Currently, Mount Michael Benedictine School is part of a network of twenty Benedictine high schools in the United States.
Since the beginning, St. Benedict’s followers have practiced a communal life of Prayer and Work—Ora et Labora. This tradition lives on at Mount Michael Benedictine. Through worship and praise, the faculty, staff, and students give thanks for our God given talents and commit ourselves to scholarly work habits “that in all things God may be glorified.”
To learn more about the history of the Benedictines, checkout the “History” page of Mount Michael Abbey.
Copies of “The Rule of Saint Benedict” and the “Life and Miracles of St. Benedict” (Book two of the Dialogues) are available in the library.