On this page you will find a complete available archive of school years past and present. Enjoy!






Due to the COVID-19 pandemic beginning in March 2020, photo opportunities in the spring were limited and spring sports and activities were impacted.








Opening School Mass/Picnic 2014
Faculty Retreat 2014
Soccer/Football Bleachers Built
Fall 2014 Team Photos
Renovation and Projects
Homecoming Bonfire
Tailgate 2014
2014 Fall Festival
Fall Festival Photos by Fr. Dan 3
Fall Festival Photos by Fr. Dan 2
Fall Festival Photos by Fr. Dan
Festival Clean-up
Arch. Teacher of the Year – John Gathje
Lucky and Temperance Grace
Grandparents Night 2014
2014 Conference XC Champions
2014 Conference JV
Madison Alumni Gathering 2014
Senior Retreat 2014
Freshman Retreat 2014
District Champions XC 2014
Garage Dedication
Don’t Drink the Water
Don’t Drink the Water 2 by Fr. Dan
Scrapbook Camp individuals
Winter Team Photos
2014 UNL Math Day Champions
2014 Student-Faculty Christmas Dinner
JV Basketball Beatrice
V Basketball Beatrice
Christmas Concert
Breakfast with Santa
Breakfast with Santa 2014
Christmas Vigil Mass
Christmas Morning Mass 2014
Abbey Christmas 2014
Sophomore Respect Retreat
Class Room Photos
Ash Wednesday 2015
Basketball Yell Leaders 2015
V Basketball Boys Town
Robotics 2015
Benedictine Values In Service Day
District Basketball
District Celebration
District Champions
Mission Trip 2015 Fr. Dan
Feast of Saint Benedict
Inherit the Wind
SAME Competition
Inherit the Wind photos by Fr. Daniel
Holy Thursday
Good Friday
Easter Vigil
Easter Vigil 2
Chemistry Field Day 2015
Super Hero Knights
Super Hero Knights 2015
Soccer vs Norfolk Catholic Lutheran High
Soccer vs Norfolk Catholic Lutheran High 2
Spring Sampler 2015
2015 National Honor Society Induction
Soccer vs Roncalli RCC Tournament
Soccer vs Roncalli RCC Tournament 2
Soccer vs Gross RCC Tournament
Awards Night
District Champions Soccer
Graduation 2015

Alumni Events:
Alumni Reunion
2nd Annual Alumni Run 8/2015
2015 DJ Sokol Annual Golf Tournament
Stage Roof Repair
Track Resurfacing
Fiber Optic Line to the Mount
Camp Mount Michael 2015


2013 Summer Renovations
2013 Opening of School Picnic/Mass
Freshmen Retreat Pics
Sophomores ’16 Fall Retreat 2013
Junior retreat
Senior ’14 Retreat photos by Brian Kim2013 Fall Team Photos
Tennis vs Elkhorn SouthFootball
Tailgate Party
Varsity vs Roncalli
Reserve Football vs Roncalli
EMHC Mandation
Cross Country
RCC Championship XC
V Wahoo XC Invitational 1st Place
JV Wahoo XC Invitational 1st Place
Fall Festival 2013
Festival Clean up
Homecoming Pep Rally
Author Clare Vanderpool visits
Seattle Alumni Gathering
Halloween Dance 2013
November Blood Drive
Fall Play – Its a Wonderful Life
Faculty–Student Thanksgiving Feast
2013 Winter Team Photos
Fr. Basketball vs Elkhorn South
JV Basketball vs Neumann
V Basketball vs Neumann
V Basketball vs Knox Highlanders
V Basketball vs Roncalli
JV Basketball vs Lincoln Lutheran
Wrestling Quad at MM
Community Christmas Dinner
Christmas Concert 2013
Christmas Eve Mass
Abbey Christmas
All School Photo and Mass
Robotics 2014
Academic Decathlon Regional Champions 2014
Ash Wednesday 2014
2014 Spring Team Photos
V Baseball vs Nebraska City
V Baseball vs West Point GACC
V Baseball vs Nebraska City
V Soccer vs Platteview
V Soccer vs Beatrice
V Soccer vs Ralston
V Soccer vs Roncalli Pride
District Soccer Champions 2014
National Honor Society Induction
French Convention
2014 Physics Field Day
Spring Play – Chaucer’s Flying Circus
Holy Thursday 2014
Good Friday 2014
Easter Vigil
Knights in Flight Night of Knights 2014
Awards Night 2014
Graduation 2014
More Graduation 2014
Alumni Reunion 2014
Camp Pictures 2014 Week 1
Camp Pictures 2014 Week 2
Camp Pictures 2014 Week 3
Camp Pictures 2014 Week 4
Camp Pictures 2014 Week 5

Alumni with Sons
School Community Picnic and Mass
Faculty Retreat
Fall Team Photos
Freshman Football vs Platteview
Freshman Football vs Platteview 2
V Football vs Roncalli
JV Football vs Gross
V Football vs Ralston
Photos by Debby Bierman
Wahoo Invitational 1st Place XC
Blue Ribbon School Assembly
Senior RetreatJuniors (class of ’14)
V Football vs Platteview
Deer in the Morning
Fall Festival
Fall Festival cleanup
Feast of the Archangels
Grandparents Night
Mother and Son Retreat
Oblation by Scott Jorgensen
Freshman Retreat
XC Championship Photos
State XC Champions
All Knighter
Feast of All Saints with Bishop Dendinger
Washington DC Trip November 2012
Winter Team Photos
Blue Ribbon Unveiled
Freshmen Basketball vs Bennington
JV Basketball vs Beatrice
Student and Faculty Christmas Dinner
Christmas Concert
Breakfast with Santa 2012
Christmas Vigil Mass
Christmas Day Mass
Monastic Christmas
Wrestling 2013
Regional Academic Decathlon
Respect Retreat
A Knight to Remember Kickoff
Coach John Roshone
Responsibility Retreat
State Bowling Runner-up
Freshmen Basketball vs Bishop Neumann
Sophomores vs Gretna
JV Basketball vs Platteview
V Basketball vs Platteview
March for Life Washington DC
Ash Wednesday
V Basketball vs Fort Calhoun
Academic Decathlon State Runner-up
California 2013
Spring 2013 Team Photos
Feast of Saint Benedict 2013
Canterbury Tales
Sedar Meal
Holy Thursday Meal
Holy Thursday
Math Day 2013 Photos: Brian Kim and Yoon Ho Kim
Brother Roger’s Profession of Vows
Letter to the Author Award Young Joon Park
SAME Group 2013
Night of Knights 1
Night of Knights 2
Chemistry Field Day Awards
V Soccer vs Seward
National Honor Society Induction 2013
May Day
Spring Sampler
Basketball 1970s
Tennis 1970s
Golf 1970s
Various School Photos 60s and 70s
Blair Invitational Track Meet
Loeffelholz Signs Baseball Letter of Intent
JT Cronin Signs to Play Soccer at Benedictine
46th Annual Awards Night
Graduation 2013
Graduation 2013 by Brian Kim
DJ Sokol Memorial Golf Tour.
Elkhorn Valley Antique Tractor Club
Early Summer Wild Flowers
Alumni 5-Year Reunions 2013
American Legion Baseball District and State Games

Booster Club Club Picnic and Mass
Faculty and Staff
Fall Team Photos 2011
Tennis vs Elkhorn South 2011
Tailgate 2011
Football vs Boys Town 2011
Fall Festival 2011
Fall Festival Cleanup 2011
Cross Country
Plattsmouth Invite 9/1
Wahoo Invite 9/8
Waverly Invite 9/16
Nebraska City Invite 9/22
Kearney Invite 9/26
Syracuse Invite 9/30
District XC 10/13
District XC Awards
State XC 10/21
State XC Meet Awards
Senior Retreat
Sophomore ’14 Retreat in Fremont 2011
Junior Retreat
Freshman Retreat
Oblation October 9, 2011
National Merit Class of ’12
Fr. Dan in Israel
Driving Distracted Simulator
KVSS at the Mount
Tennis Banquet
Night of Knights Kick-off 2
Night of Knights Kick-off 1
UNL Math Day
Winter Team Photos
JV Basketball vs Gretna
V Basketball vs Gretna
Freshmen Basketball vs Storm
Freshmen Basketball vs Elkhorn South
JV Basketball vs Neumann
V Basketball vs Neumann
Grand Parent’s Night (2011?)
Immaculate Conception Mass
Student and Faculty Christmas Dinner
Christmas Concert 2011
Breakfast with Santa 2011
Christmas Vigil
Abbey Christmas Party
Freshman Basketball vs Skutt
V Basketball vs Roncalli
Varsity Basketball vs Lincoln Lutheran
JV Basketball vs Tekamah
V Basketball vs Tekamah
Freshmen Basketball vs Waverly
Classroom Photos 2012 1
Classroom Photos 2012 2
Mothers and Sons photos
Robotics photos
Windows Live Writer
V Baseball vs Pioneers
JV-Reserve Soccer vs Prep
JV Baseball vs Pioneers
Palm Sunday 2012
V Baseball vs Guardian Angel Central Catholic
Golf 2012
2012 Night of Knights
Holy Thursday
Good Friday
Easter Vigil
V Soccer vs Conestoga 1st Half
V Soccer vs Conestoga 2nd Half
Spring Music Concert and Sampler
Track photos
National Honor Society Induction Ceremony
2012 Father-Son Banquet
Bennington Track Meet
May Day Community Service
May Day Food, Fun, and Games
V Soccer vs Scotus
Best Soccer Engagement Photos
V Soccer vs GICC
Mount Michael Benedictine Award
Graduation Class of 2012
AL Seniors vs Wahoo
AL Seniors vs Millard Sox Yellow
Community Photo
2012 Golf Photos
AL Juniors vs Skutt
2012 Golf Photos by Fr. Dan
2012 Alumni Reunions
Omaha South AL Baseball Tournament Champs
AL Seniors vs Blair
2012 Legion Baseball Districts
Fr. Benedict Grave

2010-2011 Faculty
Alumni and Sons
Feast of the Assumption
2010-2011 Opening of School Picnic
Start of School Year Morning Prayer
American Legion Baseball Banquet
Team Photos Fall 2010
Camp Mount Michael Summer 2010
V Football vs Boys Town
Freshmen Football vs Roncalli
V Football vs Nebraska City
V Tennis vs Elkhorn
Cross Country
Wahoo Invitational
Wahoo XC by Sehn
Waverly XC
Archbishop Dinner
Youth Rally
Youth Rally and Festival
Festival Cleanup
Feast of the Archangels
Grandparents Night 2010
District XC by Vince Van Haute
District XC
Oblation and Oblate Novices
State XC Meet
Halloween Dance Photos
A night with the Nighthawks
Mount Michael Drama Fall 2010
UNL Math Day
Veteran’s Day Concert
Freshmen Bergan
Christmas Concert 2010
All District Football Honors
Faculty and Student Christmas Dinner
Deal TiWald Signs with Benedictine
Jack Pape Life Saving Award
JV Basketball vs Bergan
V Basketball vs Bergan
Breakfast with Santa
Christmas Eve Mass
Christmas Morning Mass
Abbey Christmas
Freshmen Basketball vs Fort Calhoun
JV Basketball vs St Peter Claver
Varsity Basketball vs Fort Calhoun
6th Grade Knights
8th Grade Knights
7th Grade Knights
Jake Rauterkus and Ed Ridder
JV Basketball vs St. Albert
Mothers and Sons 2011
V Basketball vs Platteview
Robotics Tournament
All School Photo
March 25th Feast of the Annunciation
Jack Pape Award
2011 National Honor Society Induction
V Baseball Fort Calhoun
Photos for Redstone
Chemistry Field Day
V Baseball vs South Sioux City
V Baseball vs SSC Cropped and Processed
Night of Knights
Knights in Tuscany Kickoff
Auction items
Night of Knights
Night of Knights 2
V Baseball vs Fremont
Zach Loeffelholz signs to play for Rockhurst
Father-Son Banquet
Physics Field Day
V Soccer vs St. Albert
Holy Thursday
Good Friday
V Soccer vs Lincoln Lutheran
JV Soccer vs Lincoln Lutheran
S.A.M.E. Award Winners
Blair Invitational Track
Baseball Senior Night
Awards 2011
Photos for Slide Show
Ordination of Father Gregory Congote OSB
Ordination of Father Gregory Congote OSB 2
Journalism State Championship
District Championship Baseball
Spring Concert
Deaconate Ordination of August Schaefer OSB
Graduation 2011
Father Gregory Graduation
2011 State Baseball Tournament
Wakefield Tournament Champions 2011 AL
Alumni Reunion June 2011
Max Greve Memorial Tournament Champs AL
AL Baseball Juniors vs Springfield
AL Baseball Seniors vs Springfield
Youth Football Camp 2011
Legion District Championship 2011
State Champions Baseball 2011



2009 Opening Picnic/Mass
Booster Club Tailgate
Knights vs Gross
Reserve vs Roncalli
Knights vs Rams
Reserves vs Rams
Wahoo XC varsity 2009
Wahoo XC JV 2009
Senior Retreat 2009
Mount Michael Tennis 2009
Bell Tower Installation 2009
Youth Rally 2009
Mount Michael Fall Festival
Freshman Retreat 2009
Creighton Physics Field Day 2014
Junior Retreat 2009
Oblates Fall 2009 Oblation & Novices
UNO Journalism Day 2014
Sophomore Retreat 2009
Grandparents Night 2009 Set 1
Grand Parents Night 2009 set 2
Bell Tower Dedication
Fall color
2009 Alumni gathering in Minnesota
Basketball: Platte County Pirates
Christmas Concert
Sophomores vs Gross
JV Knights vs Bennington
2Student-faculty Christmas Dinner
Knights vs Bennington badgers
Ashland Wrestling Meet
Breakfast with Santa 2009
Christmas Vigil 2009
Christmas Chapel Decoration
Christmas Day 2009
Abbey Christmas Party 2009
Knights vs Pride
Christmas Day Snow 2009
Knights vs Boys Town
JV vs Tekamah-Herman
1983-1985 Basketball Honored
Knights vs Waverly
Mom Prom 2010
Ash Wednesday
Mount Michael Robotics 2010
More Robotics
Knights vs Roncalli at Districts
Carlson Signs with Doane
2010 Texas Alumni Gathering
Knights vs Roncalli Soccer
Knights vs Bennington Baseball 2010
Chemistry Field Day 2010
Holy Thursday 2010
Good Friday 2010
Easter 2010
2010 Night of Knights
Conestoga Soccer
Booster Club Fundraiser
Track 2010
Mount Michael Soccer Tournament
Awards Night 2010
Baseball district Runner-up
Baseball District Final
Graduation Class of 2010
District golf Photos by Gary Logan
Deaconate Ord. Bro. Gregory Congote
2010 alumni golf Tournament
Golf Tournament by Fr. Daniel
2010 alumni Reunion
Am. Leg. Junior baseball vs Norris
Am. Leg. Seniors baseball vs Norris
Camp Mount Michael
2010 baseball Micki Pane
Fireworks from Abbey Balcony
3 Rivers Baseball Champions
2010 Mount Michael football Camp
A.L. State Tournament: 2010



Early Scrapbooks

Early Photos Archive (1950’s-1980’s)

Early Sports Photos (28)
58-59 Scrapbook: Photos Only
70’s roller skating
70’s Baseball
70’s Basketball (away)
70’S Basketball (Palace)
70’s Basketball District
70’s Basketball State
70’s Football
70’s Freshmen Photos
70’s Golf
70s Christmas
70’s Class Rooms & Dorms
70’s Mother’s Banquet
70’s Sandhills Recruitment
70s Snow Day
70’s Tennis
70’s Track Meet @MM
Track 1970s
80’s Basketball
80s Classroom & Dorms (158)
80’s Football
80’s Graduation (2)
80’s Handball (3)
80’s Mass
80’s Halloween
80’s Tennis (3)
80’s Cross Country (5)
82 Basketball (14)
82 Graduation (10)
82 Monastic Professions (22)
84 Graduation (60)
84 Prom (22)
84-85 Basketball (26)
85 Annie Get Your Gun (28)
85 Graduation (19)
89 Freshmen Class (4)
Late 80’s & 90’s various photos
70’s -80’s Andromeda Band
70’s-80’s Awards Banquet
70’s-80s Concert and Pep Band
70’s-80’s Class Rooms & Dorm
70’s-80’s Fall Festival
70’s-80’s Football
70’s-80’s Freshmen Year
70’s-80’s Graduation Mixed
70s-80’s Grounds
70’s-80’s Chapel/Mass
70s-80’s May Day
70’s-80’s Monks
70’s-80s Snowball Dance
70’s-80’s Snow Sculpture
70’s-80’s Start of Year Picnic
70’s-80’s Theatre
70’s-80’s Various
76 Halloween
Mid 70’s Prom
77 Graduation
79 Pope John Paul Des Moines
79 Prom
Camp 60’s-80’s
Jim Kane NU Baseball
Monks 70’s-80’s
Senior Class photos
State Championship Photos
State Basketball Tournament Teams
Camp Scrapbook photos


Late 1990s Slides

The photos on this page are taken from Slides that were created annually for school promotion presentations.   The original Slides are kept in a binder for rescanning purposes if desired.  You will notice that some sets of slides were pretty dirty when scanned.

Renovated Chapel circa 1996
Dorm Life
Freshmen Dorm
Faculty with Students (Staged)
Odds & Ends; Bro. Mel’s Rope Tricks
Entrance Walk (Staged)
Graduation: Mid-Late 90’s
Group with Car (Staged)
Outdoor Mass
Small Group photo (Staged)
Athletics Late 1990’s