About our School
At Mount Michael the core of the academic program enables students to become inquiring learners, appreciative of their heritage, responsive and committed to the challenges of the future.
Mount Michael Benedictine School admits students of any race, color, national and ethnic origins to all the rights, privileges, programs and activities generally accorded or made available to the students.
Ultimately, it is our goal to enable every student to reach his educational and career potential.
The Mount Michael Benedictine School Counseling program is a comprehensive counseling program dedicated to nurturing our students, families, and community.
Benedictine values encompass a broad range of concepts that are central to life within a Christian community. It is quite possible to literally perceive dozens of values that can be deemed as Benedictine in nature. This a testimony to the breadth of “The Rule” and communal life established by Saint Benedict.
There are many opportunities for students to get involved at Mount Michael. Some are competitive, some are participatory. In either case it is all part of getting a well rounded educational experience.
There are many opportunities for students at Mount Michael to participate in our top of the line athletic programs. Go Knights!
Under this tab you will find links to Mount Michael giving opportunities as well as information about fundraising events.
National Merit & AP Scholars
Mount Michael Benedictine has a long tradition of academic excellence. Evidence of this can be seen in the scholarly recognition that Mount Michael students have received. Considering the size of Mount Michael’s enrollment, the achievement is all the more impressive.

National Merit Recognition is given to the nations top 1% of U.S. high school seniors.
AP Scholars: 5 is the highest possible score on an AP Exam. A Score of 3 generally qualifies for college credit.
AP Scholar with Distinction:Average of 3.5 on all AP exams taken and scores of 3 or higher on 5 or more of these exams
AP Scholar with Honor: Average of at least 3.25 on all exams taken and 3 or higher on 4 or more of these exams
AP Scholar: score of 3 or higher on 3 or more AP Exams;
*National AP Scholar Average score of at least 4 on all AP Exams taken, and scores of 4 or higher on eight or more of these exams.
National Merit Semi-Finalist
Rocco Zimmerman, Nick Halpin
National Merit Commended
Ryan Saxby, Thaden Wewel
National Merit Finalists:
Will Brewster, Ryan Quinlan
National Merit Commended
Ryan Tillotson
AP Scholars will be Announced in the Fall of 2023
National Merit Finalists
Tucker Cudmore, David Drews, Michael Mullin
National Merit Semi-Finalist
Andrew Hartin
National Merit Commended
Colin Eich
AP Scholars with Distinction
Will Brewster, Carter Cline, Tucker Cudmore, Colin Eich, Andrew Hartin, Eric Kaps, Sam Lund, Michael Mullin, Ben Rempe, Akilan Sivakumar.
AP Scholars with Honors
Jurgen Beller, Luke Broderick, Marc Fayad, Grant Foster, Kevin Kim, Ryan Quinlan, sawyer Thompson, Max Vossen, Luke Wooten.
AP Scholar
Jose Bonilla Gaytan, Caleb Brester, Brendan Farrell, Landen Fogle, Jagger Hastings, Drew Kirklin, Andrew Lee, Sebastian Santa-Maria, Callan Schroder, Ryan Tillotson, Wyatt Torczon, Wyatt Walters.
National Merit Finalists
Matthew Collins
National Merit Commended
Lincoln Badley, Joe Chouinard, Jack Sorensen
Scholars with Distinction
Lincoln Badley, Cameron Detwiler, Matt Geary, Parker Hottovy, Huy Le, Akilan, Sivakumar, Jack Sorensen.
AP Scholar with Honors
Kaleb Brink, Tucker Cudmore, Scott Qixuan Ding, Sam Lund, Quinn McMahon, Jake Moore, Michael Mullin, Kyle Pelan, Dan Storch, Max Vossen.
AP Scholars
Jurgen Beller, Brad Bennett, Will Byrnes, Joe Chouinard, Carter Cline, Eli Crnkovich, David Drews, Colin Eich, Landen Fogle, Isaac Gart, Gavin Gloeb, Sam Gustafson, Andrew Hartin, Henry Hohman, Eric Kaps, Ben Keller, Brennan McMahon, Mike Oehler, Zach Rapoza, Grant Schneider, Will Stringer, Dan Thomas, Wyatt Torczon, Nick Wehbe.
National Merit Finalists
Jacob Gathje, Tharein Potuhera, Alex Schrier, and Brayden Whitaker.
National Merit Commended
Josh Davies, Alex Payne
*National AP Scholar:
Brayden Whitaker
AP Scholars with Distinction:
John Ackerman, Lincoln Badley, Jacob Gathje, Kolton Koubsky, Alex Payne
Tharein Potuhera, Trenton Sedlacek, Brayden Whitaker.
AP Scholars with Honors:
Qixuan (Scott) Ding, Yiji, (Jerry) Fan, Ben Goetz, Mason Matukewicz, Peyton Rosenfels.
AP Scholars:
Calvin Benson, Kaleb Brink, Zhuyi (Joey) Chen, Minjun Choi, Joshua (Temi) Davies, Cameron Detwiler, Ben Gao, Logan Hock, Parker Hottovy, Will Janecek, Andree Kakish, Sanggyeum Kim, Huy Le, Jake Moore, Jackson Ramold, Evan Schroder, Keaton Stec, Henry Sorbeck, James (Max) Swiniarski, Richard (Drew) Thornton, Chun (Michael) Yeung.
National Merit Finalists
Temiloluwa Adeyemo, Patrick Collins, John P. Jensen, Levi Kicken
National Merit Commended
Jacob Benes, Daniel Davies, Patrick Fayad
*National AP Scholar:
Stephano Brunelli
AP Scholars with Distinction:
Stephano Brunelli, James Crotty, J.P. Jensen, Patrick Fayad, Temi Adeyemo, Jacob Benes, Andrew Shellberg, Jacob Rapoza, Colin Mallisee, Daniel Davies, Levi Kicken, Gerald Righter, Nolan Zeger, Sam Eberle, Bokai Zhang, Patrick Collins, Max Quan Nguyen, Brayden Whitaker.
AP Scholars with Honors:
Sam Peters, Matthew Draper, Sebastian/Sid deMayo , Carson Leahy, Donovan Clements, Alex Payne.
AP Scholars:
Shintaro Fujita, Evan Schroder, Henry Storbeck, John Ackerman, Nick Akers, Alex Schrier, Jacob Gathje, Trevin Detwiler, Ben Quinlan, Jarrett Cline.
National Merit Finalist
Garrett Gloeb, Nolan Huetter, Matthew Thiele
National Merit Commended
Dash Wedergren
AP Scholar with Distinction:
Ben Bies, Ming Hint Chui, Garrett Gloeb, Colin Lakeman, Armel Mignondje, Max Quan Nguyen, Matthew Thiele, Lukas Williams.
AP Scholar:
Temiloluwa Adeyemo, Sebastian Alegrett, Ben Arkfeld, Donovan Clements, James Crotty, Sam Eberle, Douglas Jamal, Thomas Janecek, J.P. Jensen, John Kuhry, Adam Orr, Lucas, Rief, Andrew Shellberg.
AP Scholar with Honor:
Jacob Benes, Stefano Brunelli, Patrick Collins, Hudson Hohman, Ian Kim, Ziyou Li, Paul McCaslin, Nicholas Orr, Joseph Recker, Nicholas Snyder, Dash Wedergren, Bokai Zhang.
AP Scholar:
Temiloluwa Adeyemo, Sebastian Alegrett, Ben Arkfeld, Donovan Clements, James Crotty, Sam Eberle, Douglas Jamal, Thomas Janecek, J.P. Jensen, John Kuhry, Adam Orr, Lucas, Rief, Andrew Shellberg.
National Merit Finalist
Andrew Ahn, Zach Cairney
National Merit Commended
Joe Coldiron, Broden Kaps, Ben Murray
AP Scholar with Distinction:
Andrew Ahn, Zach Cairney, Nick Carson, Alex Earsley, Caiden Groff, Junho Ho, Reilly Jackson, Dan Jewell, Broden Kaps, Luca Mixan, Benedict Murray, Henry O’Callaghan, Sebastien Winters.
AP Scholar with Honors:
Christian Burbach, Nick Huetter, Ian Kim, Jack Straka
AP Scholar:
Nathan Carpenter, Ming Hint Chui, Joe Coldiron, Shengwei Dai, Michael Ecker, Alec Gregerson, Patrick Halpin, Dylan Herrmann, Miles Hock, Peyton Hottovy, Nash Kelly, Ian Price.
National Merit Finalist
Sam Bohart, Christian Keller
National Merit Commended
Jackson Thompson
AP Scholar with Distinction:
Matt Coghill, Tyler Degener, Paul Forget, Christian Keller, Min Chang Kim, Luke Krajewski, Jackson Thompson.
AP Scholar with Honors:
Andrew Ahn, Logan Baumberger, Sam Bohart, Zach Cairney, Jack Hitzemann, Junbin Huang, Ben Hynes, Jack Morrissey, Brendan Nicholas, Alex Stoupa, Sam Van Haute, Sebastian Winters.
AP Scholar:
Jacob Bova, Nick Carson, Jeremiah Connealy, Max DeMayo, Alex Earsley, Randall Esquivel, Caiden Groff, Junho Ho, Nick Huetter, Reilly Jackson, Broden Kaps, Case McNally, Jae Jun Park, David Recic, Ryan Reid, Muxuan Tang.
National Merit Finalists
Jon Collins, Harrison Hohman
National Merit Commended
David Choi, Zach Frevert, Alex Hotovy
*National AP Scholar:
Jonathon Collins
AP Scholar with Distinction:
Cameron Bretsen, David Choi, Jonathon Collins, Marcus Cronin, Zach Frevert, Harrison Hohman, Alex Hotovy, Andrew Pace, Young-Joon Park, Zach Starman, Lucas Tucker.
AP Scholar with Honors:
Ryan Anderson, Augustin DeMayo, John Gutsmiedl, Christian Keller, Dun Fletcher Lin.
AP Scholar:
Ian Alfieri, Tyler Degener, Kalle Haines, Min Chang Kim, Taesung Kim, Stefano Tarantolo, Adam Terasinski, Andrew Whitaker.
National Merit Finalist
Jacob Eyth
National Merit Commended
Thomas Kalil
AP Scholar with Distinction:
Cameron Engel, Rowan Gruber, Ha-Seul Jeoung, Andrew Johannes, Thomas Kalil, Moonsup Kim, Johnathon Mikulicz, Will Sleddens, Scott Townsend.
AP Scholar with Honors:
Matthew Bohnhoff, Robin Britt, Jonathon Collins, Collin Donahue, Jacob Eyth, Alexander Hynes, Eun Woo Jee, Kevin Jewell, Young-Joon Park.
AP Scholar:
Cameron Bretson, David Choi, Jarrett Crnkovich, Marcus Cronin, Ryan Degener, Harrison Hohman, Justin Lytle, Andrew Pace, Austin Ramaekers, Jackson Taylor.
National Merit Finalist
John Choi
National Merit Semi-Finalist
Paul Kujawa
*National AP Scholar:
John Choi, Paul Kujawa
AP Scholar with Distinction:
John Choi, Eun Woo Jee, Paul Kujawa, Yun Sik Oh, James Steier
AP Scholar with Honors
Peter Dewald, Hunter Hottovy, Yoon Ho Kim, Joe Kucirek, Randy Speer, David J Wooten
AP Scholar
Gabe Cohen, Jarrett Crnkovich, John T. Cronin, Collin Donahue, Cameron Engel, Yutong Gao, Alex Hynes, Andrew Johannes, Christian Jones, Thomas Kalil, Moonsup Kim, John Mikulicz, Connor Moynihan, Jihoon Park, Jacob Recker, Kyle Silke, Scott Townsend.
National Merit Finalist
George Townsend
National Merit Commended
Michael Collins, Harrison Engel
AP Scholar with Distinction
Tyler Bolden, Michael Collins, Harrison Engel, Hyo Bin Im, Michael Sojka, Joe Stellato, George Townsend
AP Scholar with Honors
Nick Cairney, Thomas Feichtinger, Sean Kruger, Richard Woods
AP Scholar
Martin Anderson, Jared Bourek, John Byrne, John Choi, Matt Denton, David Dickey, Graham Jewell, Yoon Ho Park, Paul Kujawa, Ned McNally, Evan Murray, Yun Sik Oh, Jihoon Park, Jacob Peffer, Ian Sheets, Nate Van Haute
National Merit Finalist
Darren Chew
National Merit Commended
Joshua Hankins
AP Scholar with Distinction:
Mike Kellar, Gunhwan Kim, Yuan Zhou
AP Scholar with Honors
Mike Bohnhoff, Darren Chew, Josh Hankins, Kevin Koch, Vince Van Haute
AP Scholar
Adam Behr, Pat Dewald, Alex Engelkamp, Tanner Hendricks, Lucas Holloway, Joel Hotovy, Paul Huss, Jae Hoon Jung, Kyung Mo Kang, Peter Kritenbrink, Grant Parr, Clayton Taylor.
National Merit Finalist
Chris Hoff, Anthony Thiele
National Merit Commended
Adam Prusa, Lukas Ramsey
AP Scholar with Honors
Joshua Cox, Christopher Hoff, Baek Ho Jang, Gunhee Park, Adam Prusa and Lukas Ramsey
AP Scholar
Sangwon Bahng, Jacob Benes, Jack Brady, Thomas Christenson, Charles Dudek, Brendan Walsh
National Merit Finalist
Zach Harvat, Luke Weitkemper
AP Scholar with Distinction
Yong Joon Kim, Luke Weitkemper
AP Scholar with Honors
Zachary Harvat, Jeong Woo Lee, Casey McCullen and Daniel Whitaker
AP Scholar
Jerome Prusa and Kyle Vincino
National Merit Finalist
Sam Lathrop, William Nicholson
AP Scholar with Distinction:
Sam Lathrop, Will Nicholson, Derek Stieren
AP Scholar with Honors:
Zach Rohweder, Aaron Zeller
AP Scholar:
Alex Cihak, Andy Jewell, John Lundgren, Colten Venteicher, Andrew Wimmer
National Merit Commended
Kelson Hedderich
AP Scholar with Distinction:
Tom Frederick, Paul Hotovy, Thomas Kenny
AP Scholar with Honors:
Chris Antonelli, John DeWald, Jacob Pflug, Kyle Svingen, Aaron Wiese
AP Scholar:
Kurt Benes, Ryan Daly, Phil Ervin, Kelson Hedderich, Hanbin Im, John Pritchard, Pat Witt
National Merit Finalist
Paul Farnya, Jeff Kucirek, Yifan Li, Sam Weitkemper
National Merit Commended:
Tim Prost
AP Scholar with Distinction:
Paul Farnya, Evan Freilich, Matthew Goldsmith, Jeffrey Kucirek, and Sam Weitkemper
AP Scholar with Honors:
Michael Gibilisco, Yifan Li, Aaron Lockee, Greg Sullivan and Mason Tye
AP Scholar:
Timothy Agnew, Kyle Buschelman, Timothy Huss, Grant Mathey, Timothy Prost and Bryan Vovk
National Merit Finalist
Steve Christensen, Brent Lockee
National Merit Commended
Alex McKnight, Tim Padgett
AP Scholar with Distinction
Brent Lockee, Lance Villeneuve
AP Scholar with Honors
Alex McKnight, Matt O’Gara
AP Scholar
Steve Christenson, Ben Hankey, Scott Lindgren, David Nelson, Steven Stackhouse
National Merit Commended
Brandon Hankey, Dan Olson
AP Scholar with Distinction
Dan Olson
AP Scholar with Honors
Brandon Hankey, Joe Kmiecik, Chrisopher Park
AP Scholar
Mark Hotovy
National Merit Finalist
David Levy
AP Scholar with Distinction
David Levy
AP Scholar with Honors
Brett Stempel
AP Scholar
Brendan Parlor
National Merit Finalist
Jamie Antonelli, Andrew Collins, Colman Lynch
National Merit Commended
Paul McTaggart, Tom Swanson
*National AP Scholar
Colman Lynch #1 State Scholar
AP Scholar with Distinction
Grant Evert, Andrew Gard, Colman Lynch
AP Scholar with Honors
Andrew Collins
AP Scholar
Jamie Antonelli, Curtis McKnight, Paul McTaggart, James Mehr, Bryan Schrader, Colin Spicka
AP Scholar with Distinction
Andy Sachs
AP Scholar
Mark Hanus, Jeremy Schiefen
AP Scholar with Distinction
Aaron Isaacson, Mike Walsh
AP Scholar with Honors
Tyler Christiansen, Steve Sommers
AP Scholar
Lucas McKnight, Zach Voller
AP Scholar with Distinction
John Eggers, J.P. Haas, Dylan Spicka
AP Scholar with Honors
Todd DeFreece
AP Scholar
Dan Duggan, Ricardo Perez
National Merit Finalist
Nick Sachs
AP Scholar with Distinction
Sean Connolly
AP Scholar
Philip Mullen, Nicholas Sachs
National Merit Commended
Jon King
AP Scholar with Distinction
Jonathan King *Distinguished State Scholar
AP Scholar with Honors
Robert Zechman
AP Scholar
Michael Foley, James Lyons, Brian Noonan, Andrew Travis, Nicholas Wessling
National Merit Commended
James McTaggart
AP Scholar with Distinction:
Andrew Himberger
AP Scholar with Honors:
Joe Gard
AP Scholar:
James Jansen, James McTaggert
National Merit Finalist
Jon Blue, Hector Perez
National Merit Commended
Adam Anderson, Joel Lanik, David Mctaggart
AP Scholar with Honors:
Adam Anderson, David McTaggart, Hector Perez
AP Scholar:
Jon Blue
National Merit Finalist
Tim Fitzgibbons, Andrew Flack
AP Scholar with Distinction:
Andrew Flack, Andrew Glenn, Matt Sullivan
AP Scholar with Honors:
Dan Eggers, Tim Fitzgibbons, Nicholas Liebentritt
AP Scholar:
Bradley Gibson, Chris Hall, David Pecha, Matt Potter, Jeff Prochnow, Pat Rejda, Matt Wilson
National Merit Finalist
Nathan Cuka
National Merit Commended
Pat Babka
Earlier AP records are not available
National Merit Finalist
Coleman Naughton
National Merit Commended
Bob Ostronic, David Phipps
National Merit Finalist
Peter Bradley
National Merit Commended
Tom Pesek, Scott Schmid
National Merit Commended
Scott Belina, Mike Recker, Mike Cizek
1980’s Records Are Incomplete
National Merit Finalist
Charles Collins, Randy Kauten, Tom Umthun
National Merit Semi-Finalist
Matt Eldredge
National Merit Commended
Michael O’Leary
National Merit Finalists
Richard Boyle, James Classe, Brian Phipps
National Merit Commended
Thomas Herink, Brian Morrissey
Earlier Records are not available