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At Mount Michael the core of the academic program enables students to become inquiring learners, appreciative of their heritage, responsive and committed to the challenges of the future.
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New deans help in numerous ways

Jason Nyamatore ’21
Previously published in “The Mount” a publication produced by the staff of Mount Michael’s Journalism team. Follow the journalism team via Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and YouTube links on https://mountonline.org
By Jason Nyamatore
There comes a time in people’s lives when they are thrown out of their comfort zone and forced to adapt into a new environment. This is the case with two new staff members who have recently joined the residential staff.
Senior dean Tim Jacoby first came to campus as the assistant baseball coach for junior varsity in 2018. While coaching, Jacoby was offered an opportunity to be the senior dean.
“When I was coaching baseball, I was told that Mount Michael needed a senior dean. I thought it would be a great opportunity to help me get my teaching certificate. I enjoyed my time coaching here at Mount Michael and thought it would be a good fit,” Jacoby said.
Jacoby took this opportunity not only to work towards his teaching certificate, but also to make more connections.
“Another goal of mine is to become more familiar with both the students and Mount Michael as a whole,” Jacoby said. “I want to know every student’s name and help them have as little disciplinary action as possible.”
He also strives to maintain healthy relationships with the players on his baseball team. He often talks with players on the team about professional baseball.
Ever since he was young, he loved to watch the New York Mets. To this day, the Mets are still his favorite baseball team.
“I love watching and playing baseball,” Jacoby said. “I just came back from watching MLB games in Cleveland, Pittsburgh, Philadelphia, and Baltimore, which was very fun.”
Sophomore dean Matt Coghill ‘16 is currently a student at UNO. After graduation he began coaching the freshman basketball team. Ever since, he has been a major help to the whole basketball program.
“It’s great that he’s helped coach the program in all the years I’ve been here. He recently graduated from Mount Michael, so he knows what it’s like to be a student-athlete here,” Kaleb Brink ‘21 said.
Coghill is not new when it comes to basketball. He played basketball all four years while here as a student.
“I really enjoyed playing basketball, and I got to make a connection with many friends that will last for a long time,” Coghill said.
He already has some experience as a dean. Last year, he was the assistant sophomore dean for Michael Collins ‘12. Now, as a full time dean, he hopes to help students strive in their academics and athletics.
“While I’m a dean, I want to be a good role model for these kids. I want to help them maximize their potential in academics and athletics, and I also want to help them grow spiritually,” Coghill said.
He already started to do this last year with the basketball team. He invited players to different spiritual opportunities, such as evening prayer with the monks and rosary after study hall.
Even while focusing on spirituality, Coghill still aims to be a dean that is approachable and fun to be around.
“My favorite hobbies are playing tennis, basketball, and lifting,” he said. “I love being competitive with these guys, and a lot of the time, we argue about our favorite players.”