Salzbrenner ’92 Recieves Startup of the Year Award from UNeTech


Dr. Steve Salzbrenner MD ’92

Mount Michael alum, Dr. Stephen Salzbrenner ’92 recently received the Startup of the Year award for BreezMed by UNetech

Stephen Salzbrenner, MD, created and built BreezMed on the foundation of a software solution he created to address the often confusing and bureaucratically complicated interaction between insurance companies, doctors and pharmacists. His solution promises to eliminate a lot of the red tape and revolutionize how doctors manage prior authorizations.

UNeTech is the university’s startup accelerator and incubator program, which was established in 2018 to help nurture early stage technologies and fledgling startup companies with university ties.

Dr. Salzbrenner is a psychiatrist at Nebraska Medicine as well as the founder and CEO of BreezMed. BreezMed was founded on a software solution created to help doctors and pharmacists better manage patient prescriptions.