On Wednesday, May 1, our students, faculty and staff will be spending the school day volunteering with the Relevant Center to aid with the clean-up efforts in the Ramblewood neighborhood in Elkhorn. Currently, the plan is that students and faculty/staff will report to their first period classes, then be bused to the Relevant Center, and there they will be assigned work teams to serve in the community. All volunteers will need to fill out and return the waiver form below. Please return this form (via email or printed) by Wednesday at 7:00AM.

Everyone should plan to wear old Mount Michael shirts/sweatshirts, long pants that can get dirty, closed-toed shoes (preferably work boots or thick soled shoes if you have them). There is a chance of rain, so any rain gear or ponchos would be good to bring. Additionally, if you have work gloves at home, please bring them with you. We are monitoring weather for Wednesday, and if necessary, we will work with the Relevant Center to volunteer on a different day.

Waiver form


7:55am   All students/teachers report to first period (including study halls).

Teachers will take attendance and collect remaining waiver forms.

8:00am   Load onto the buses and transport to the Relevant Center.

(Students/Teachers should get on the bus with their first period class).

8:15am   Begin service (all service will be directed by staff at the Relevant Center).

11:00am Seniors return to the Relevant Center after service.

11:15am Seniors are bused back to MM to change for lunch at the Abbey.

12:00pm Senior lunch at the Abbey (wear dress code—shorts/polo)

2:00pm  Students and Staff return to the Relevant Center after service

2:15pm   Students/staff and bused back to Mount Michael

2:39pm School Day ends

2:45pm Senior Mass

Important Questions/Information:

  • Reminder: everyone needs to sign a waiver (students, faculty, staff, parents, etc.). If you are under 18 you must have it signed by a parent or someone at MM. I have attached the waiver here if you need it!
  • What if I have a test or a class I can’t miss?
    • Both students, faculty, and staff will be volunteering on Wednesday, so your schedule for the day will be adjusted accordingly. Your teachers will communicate plans for classwork.
  • Can parents volunteer with Mount Michael?
    • Yes! We just ask that to mitigate the number of cars at the Relevant Center you park at MM and take a bus.
  • What if my son has an appointment?
    • Let Mrs. Schleimer know, and we will coordinate getting your son to the Relevant Center or back to MM.
  • What if someone needs to return to campus?
    • There will be two MM vans at the Relevant Center all day to transport students back if needed.
  • What if someone gets hurt?
    • The Relevant Center has a medical tent to help if anyone gets hurt. Additionally, MM staff will be there to help our students as well.
  • What if I don’t have old clothes to wear?
    • For long pants, stop by the Bookstore before 4:00pm and Mrs. Coldiron will help you find something in the Knights Closet! For MM shirts, stop by Mrs. Schleimer’s office.
  • Do I get service hours?
    • Yes! Service hours will be recorded directly by Mrs. Schleimer. Seniors will receive 3 hours and all other students will receive 6.
  • What if I can’t lift heavy items?
    • There are many ways to serve at the Relevant Center! Let them know when we arrive, and they’ll put you in the right place.
  • What should I wear?
    • Long pants, work boots or close-toed shoes, MM gear, rain gear, work gloves, a hat, sunscreen.
  • What if I don’t have work gloves?
    • MM will provide them for you.
  • What do Seniors need to bring?
    • A change of clothes for Lunch/Mass (dress code) and dress clothes (tie and jacket) for the awards dinner at night.
  • Do we still have an early dismissal?
    • Yes
  • Will there be lunch for students/staff who volunteer?
    • Yes

We will monitor the weather. If it is unsafe to send our students out, we will communicate that! Thank you so much for living out our Benedictine values, we are so grateful for this community.

Amanda Schleimer
Director of Mission and Ministry