About our School
At Mount Michael the core of the academic program enables students to become inquiring learners, appreciative of their heritage, responsive and committed to the challenges of the future.
Mount Michael Benedictine School admits students of any race, color, national and ethnic origins to all the rights, privileges, programs and activities generally accorded or made available to the students.
Ultimately, it is our goal to enable every student to reach his educational and career potential.
The Mount Michael Benedictine School Counseling program is a comprehensive counseling program dedicated to nurturing our students, families, and community.
Benedictine values encompass a broad range of concepts that are central to life within a Christian community. It is quite possible to literally perceive dozens of values that can be deemed as Benedictine in nature. This a testimony to the breadth of “The Rule” and communal life established by Saint Benedict.
There are many opportunities for students to get involved at Mount Michael. Some are competitive, some are participatory. In either case it is all part of getting a well rounded educational experience.
There are many opportunities for students at Mount Michael to participate in our top of the line athletic programs. Go Knights!
Under this tab you will find links to Mount Michael giving opportunities as well as information about fundraising events.
Mount Michael Benedictine School
22520 Mount Michael Road
Elkhorn, NE 68022-3400
Phone: 402.289.2541
FAX: 402.289.4539
Faculty are listed alphabetically.
SOCIAL STUDIESNick Beau, B.A. B.A. University of Nebraska Lincoln nbeau@mountmichael.org |
SPEECH COACHAndy Bradley, MPA B.A., University of St. Thomas M.P.A., University of NE Omaha abradley@mountmichael.org |
POTTERYBr. Luke Clinton, OSB, B.A. B.A., Creighton University; Special Studies, University of Nebraska at Omaha lclinton@mountmichael.org |
ACADEMIC DECATHLON, WORLD RELIGIONSDave Cormier, M.A. B.A., Creighton University; M.A., University of Toronto dcormier@mountmichael.org |
Randy Crnkovich, D.V.M. |
Michaela Ecker, M.A. |
ENGLISHJohn Elster, B.S. ’09 B.S. University of NE at Omaha jelster@mountmichael.org |
ENGLISHJohn Gathje, M.S. B.A., St. John’s University, Minnesota; M.S., Wayne State College jgathje@mountmichael.org |
WORLD LANGUAGEKelsey Genoways kgenoways@mountmichael.org |
LIBRARIANKaty Jenner, M.L.I.S. M.L.I.S, University of MO, Columbia. kreznicek@mountmichael.org |
ARTRev. Daniel Lenz ’76, O.S.B., M.A. B.A. Creighton University M.A., St. John’s University, Minnesota dlenz@mountmichael.org |
SCIENCEAbbot Michael Liebl ’68, O.S.B., M.A., M.S. B.S., Creighton University; M.A., St. John’s University, Minnesota; M.S., University of MA, Amherst; Special Studies; Jerusalem, U.C.L.A., University of Nebraska at Omaha, University of Nebraska at Lincoln; Long Island State University, Princeton, Montana State University mliebl@mountmichael.org |
MATHJason Mackeprang, M.E. B.A., University of NE at Lincoln; M.E., University of Northern Arizona jmackeprang@mountmichael.org |
THEATERBr. Roger Mangels, O.S.B., M.F.A. B.F.A., Stephen College, Missouri M.F.A., Penn State University rmangels@mountmichael.org |
SCIENCEWalter Mertz, M.S. B.S., M.S., University of NE Omaha wmertz@mountmichael.org |
MATHPatrick Mohs, B.S. B.S., University of NE Omaha pmohs@mountmichael.org |
MUSICEmily Nolan, M.A.Ed. B.M.E., University of Nebraska Lincoln M.A.E., University of NE Kearney enolan@mountmichael.org |
ENGLISH, JOURNALISMMaddie Robertson, B.S.Ed B.S.Ed., University of NE Omaha mrobertson@mountmichael.org |
John Roshone, ’99 M.A. |
THEOLOGY, COMPUTER SCIENCE, CAMPUS MINISTRYBr. August Schaefer, O.S.B., B.A. B.A., Mount Marty College; Special Studies: St. John’s University – Minnesota aschaefer@mountmichael.org |
WORLD LANGUAGEChad Schuttler, M.A. B.S. – University of NE Omaha M.S. – University of NE Omaha Educ Admin – Creighton University Special Studies: Colegio San Ignacio Jesuitas – Pamplona, Spain Universidad de Salamanca – Salamanca, Spain Universidad Complutense – Madrid, Spain Spanish Language Institute – Cuernavaca, Mexico cschuttler@mountmichael.org |
ENGINEERINGShanna Sedlacek, B.S. B.S. University of NE at Omaha ssedlacek@mountmichael.org |
WORLD LANGUAGEJamie Smith B.A. of Spanish, University of S Dakota M.A. in Secondary Education, University of South Dakota Special Studies: Universidad Nacional de Costa Rica Medical Interpretation Program, College of Saint Mary jsmith@mountmichael.org |
MATHMike Smith, B.S. B.S., Loyola University – Chicago msmith@mountmichael.org |
HEALTH, PHYSICAL EDUCATIONBob Sullivan, M.A. B.S., University of South Dakota; M.A., University of South Dakota bsullivan@mountmichael.org |
ENGLISHEileen Sullivan, M.E. B.A. University of Oklahoma; M.E. University of Oklahoma; Special Studies; St.Catherine’s College – Oxford esullivan@mountmichael.org |
SOCIAL STUDIESTom Swanson ‘0,1 B.A. B.A. University of NE at Omaha tswanson@mountmichael.org |
THEOLOGYSr. Carol Jean VanDenHemel O.S.B., M.A. B.S., Northern State University; M.A., Marquette University; Special Studies: Mount Marty College cjvandenhemel@mountmichael.org |
SCIENCEMichael Williams, M.A.T. M.A.T University of NE at Omaha B.S., University of NE at Omaha B.S. ed., University of NE at Omaha mwilliams@mountmichael.org |