Return of Spanish teacher breathes new life into class


Jurgen Beller ’22

Previously published in “The Mount” a publication produced by the staff of Mount Michael’s Journalism team. Follow the journalism team via Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and YouTube links on


For Spanish II and Spanish III students, their teacher may just be a new face, but Spanish teacher Chad Schuttler is not new to Mount Michael.

Many students are unaware that this is not Schuttler’s first rodeo at the school. He was previously a Spanish teacher here for 17 years.

“I didn’t know that he was a teacher here for that long,” Sam Lund ‘22. “Maybe that’s why he understands us so well.”

Throughout his years, he’s seen the school grow into what it is today. Schuttler has known the community longer than almost all current teachers and students.

“It’s funny now teaching with him, but we still have the same respect we had when I was in his classroom,” junior dean Scott Townsend ‘14 said.

One specific memory he recalls looking back on his first stint is when he had to stay overnight because of a blizzard.

“Back then, all the students were boarders, so one time a blizzard forced some of the teachers and myself to spend the night at the school in order to teach the next day,” Schuttler said.

He has had other teaching gigs, but he favors this school. He values the characteristics and spirit of the students and teachers.

“I came back because my experience with this school was the best,” Schuttler said. “The students here have a great reputation, having the best caliber and quality among everyone.”

So far, his students have enjoyed his teaching style and curriculum.

“You can kind of tell that he really cares about what he is teaching about,” Lund said. “I look forward to what we will learn this year.”

This time around Schuttler has some new experiences to share. He left in 2017 to pursue his dream of living abroad. He spent a year living and working in Spain, while embracing its culture.

“I want to pass on my experience of living in Spain to my students,” Schuttler said.

Schuttler was considering another year living abroad until there was an unexpected demand for the Spanish ll and lll job. He got a call from Dr. Peters about two weeks before school started which left him with a lot to consider.

“I thought hard about it but decided to accept two days before the beginning of the year,” he said.

His arrival happened so quickly that he was not even able to tour the David “DJ” Sokol building yet.

He is excited about the school year and hopes to spread his knowledge of Spanish culture and language to his Spanish II and Spanish III students.

“I am excited about this year and ready to put the students up to the test,” Schuttler said.